Category: Breads
Rating: 3.21
Servings: 4


2 oz fresh yeast, or
3 tablespoon yogurt
1 1/2 lb fine whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon wild onion seeds
1 lukewarm water
1 melted butter or ghee

Directions: How to Cook Naan Bread

(1) Using the yeast, water and flour, follow the recipe for unleavened bread below. Add the seeds. (2) Divide the dough into four equal parts. (3) Roll each part into a teardrop shape at least 1/4 inch thick. (4) Preheat the grill to three-quarters heat, cover the rack pan with foil, and set it in the midway position. (5) Put the naan on the foil and grill it. Watch it cook (it can easily burn). As soon as the first side develops brown patches, remove it from the grill. (6) Turn it over and brush the uncooked side with a little melted ghee or butter. (7) Return it to the grill and cook it until it is sizzling. Remove. (8) Repeat stages 5-8 with the other three naan. Serve at once. LEAVENED BREAD: (1) Dissolve the fresh yeast in a little lukewarm water. (2) Put the flour in a *warmed* bowl, make a well in the center, and pour in the yeast. Yogurt can be used instead of the yeast by non-vegans. (3) Gently mix into the flour and add enough water to make a firm dough. (4) Remove from the bowl and knead on a floured board until well combined. Return to the bowl and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours to rise. (5) Knock back the dough by kneading it down to its original size.

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Sada Naan
Naans - Flat Leavened Bread
Karhi Poori
Naan (Leavened Oven-Baked Bread)
Nan Bread