Category: Chicken
Rating: 4.43
Servings: 1


2 1/2 lb chicken; to 3 lb, cut in serving p
4 teaspoon white vinegar
1 salt
4 teaspoon lemon juice
3 inches peeled, fresh ginger
2 medium onions
1 bulb of fresh garlic
1 lb plain yogurt
1 teaspoon red pepper
2 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoon butter or margarine

Directions: How to Cook Tandoori Style Chicken (Northern India)

Meat should be at room temperature. Remove all skin and fat. Use a sharp knife to slash chicken pieces in several pieces (cut through to the bone). Mix vinegar with salt and lemon juice. Coat the chicken with the vinegar mixture.

Make a paste of ginger, onions and garlic in a mortar or food processor. Combine yogurt with onion paste, red pepper, garam masala and black pepper. Stir well to combine and add chicken. Cover and marinate at least 1 day, try 2 days. Let the chicken come to room temperature before grilling or baking at 350 F. for 40 minutes. Use melted margarine to drizzle over chicken as it cooks. Serve on a bed of rice.

The marinade can be used again.

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